2022 Reboot

Kicking off the new year with some big plans

It’s time for this site and domain to have a new purpose.

I had a fairly neglected blog here for years, it had a few iterations but I took it all down early in 2021 as it didn’t reflect my plans at the time.

I spent most of 2021 on a startup adventure which ended very badly, but that’s a story I’ll tell another day. Maybe.

I’ve taken some time to refocus and develop an idea I had some time ago but put aside. In the coming weeks I’ll announce it, but 2022 is the year I release my own product.

I’m planning on building it in public, as much as is interesting, so this site will be a journal of that. Partly to share some information, and partly as some accountability.

So stay tuned, this should be fun.

If you’d like to hear more, including some early access, I’ve decided to use email as well. I’m planning on sending an email every month or so with product updates, and some extra content I won’t put on the site. I’ve got some interesting customer case studies I can share so I want to pass on some of my “in the trenches” experience.

Sign up below if you’d like to be on the list.

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Announcing Stack Mechanics

Announcing Stack Mechanics